Thursday, July 23, 2009

Facebook | Send An Oven

Facebook Send An Oven: "TDay ToDay says: T-Day is coming up....August 1st! T-Day is all about 'Mobilizing Millions, One Person At A Time'. How about buying a solar oven certificate to help change a country? Ugandan American Global Initiatives and TWCCTW are working together to build a solar oven factory in Uganda. Every certificate purchased gives $20 to the project. This is our largest T-Day project ever!

Jean Lachowicz responds: Such a wonderful project!

UgandanAmerican GlobalInitiatives responds: We are SO excited about this important partnership, and the people of Uganda will be the big winners, because it will give them access to truly sustainable technology."

UgandanAmerican GlobalInitiatives

UgandanAmerican GlobalInitiatives